Growing a pharma business requires a strategic approach considering the specific context of your company and the pharmaceutical industry as a whole. Here are some general pointers to get you started: Market and Customer: Identify your target customer: Deeply understand the specific needs and challenges of your target audience, whether it's doctors, patients, hospitals, or other healthcare providers. This helps tailor your products, services, and marketing efforts. Focus on unmet needs: Look for gaps in the market where existing solutions are inadequate or unavailable. Addressing unmet needs can give you a competitive edge and drive innovation. Track market trends: Stay updated on regulatory changes, technological advancements, and emerging diseases to adapt your approach and anticipate future opportunities. Products and Services: Invest in R&D: Develop innovative products or differentiate existing ones through unique formulations, delivery methods, or combinations. Remember ...
Schedule E(1): List of poisonous substances under the Ayurvedic (including Siddha) and Unani Systems of Medicine
Schedules: Schedule A, Schedule B, Schedule C, Schedule D, Schedule E1, Schedule F, Schedule G, Schedule H, Schedule H1, Schedule I, Schedule J, Schedule K, Schedule L1, Schedule M, Schedule M1, Schedule M2, Schedule M3, Schedule N, Schedule O, Schedule P, Schedule Q, Schedule R, Schedule S, Schedule T, Schedule U, Schedule V, Schedule W, Schedule X, Schedule Y
(Ayurvedic Prescription Drugs List)
II. Drugs of Animal Origin.
III. Drugs of Mineral Origin Gauripashana
List of poisonous substances under Siddha System of Medicines:
List of poisonous substances under Unani system of Medicines:
I Drugs of vegetable origin
II Drugs of Animal origin
III Drugs of Mineral origin
Schedule E(1):
Schedule E(I) describes the List of poisonous substances under the Ayurvedic (including Siddha) and Unani Systems of Medicine(Ayurvedic Prescription Drugs List)
List of poisonous substances under Ayurvedic System of Medicines:
I. Drugs of vegetable origin
I. Drugs of vegetable origin
- Ahipena (Except seeds) - Papaver somniferum Linn
- Arka - Calotropis procera (Ait.) R.Br. ex.
- Bhallataka - Semecarpus anacardium Linn. F.
- Bhanga (Except seeds) - Cannabis sativa Linn. (Except seeds)
- Danti - Baliospermum montanum Mull. Arg.
- Dhattura - Datura metal Linn.
- Gunja (seed) - Abrus precatorium Linn. (seed)
- Jaipala (seed) - Croton tiglium Linn.
- Karaveera - Rerium indicum Mill.
- Langali - Gloriosa superba Linn.
- Parasika Yavani - Hyoscyamus niger Linn.
- Vatsanabha Vishamushti - Acontium chasmanthum Stapf ex Holm. Strychnox nuxvomica Linn.
- Shringivisha - Acontium chasmanthum Stapf ex Holm
II. Drugs of Animal Origin.
- Sarpa Visha - Snake poison
III. Drugs of Mineral Origin Gauripashana
- Gauripashana - Arsenic
- Hartala - Arseno sulphide
- Manahashila - Arseno sulphide
- Parada - Mercury
- Rasa Karpura - Hydrargyri subchloridum
- Tuttha - Copper sulphate
- Hingula - Cinnabar
List of poisonous substances under Siddha System of Medicines:
- Abini - Papaver somniferum Linn
- Alari - Nerium indicum Mill
- Attru thummatti - Citrullus colocynthis (L.) Schrad
- Umathai - Datura stramonium Linn
- Etti - Stychnos nux vomica Linn
- Ganja (except seed) - Cannabis sativa Linn
- Kalappaki Kizahangu - Glorisa superba Linn
- Kodikkalli (exempted for external use) - Euphorbia tirucalli Linn
- Kattu Thumatti - Cucumis trigonus Roxb
- Kunri (except root) - Arbus precatorius Linn
- Cheramkottai - Semecarpus anacardium Linn f
- Thillai - Exoecoria agallocha Linn
- Nabi - Aconitum ferox Wall
- Nervalam - Croton tiglium Linn
- Pugaielai - Nicotiana tabacum Linn
- Mancevikkalli - Euphorbia species
List of poisonous substances under Unani system of Medicines:
I Drugs of vegetable origin
- Afiyun (except seed) (Papaver somniferum Linn)
- Bazrul-banj (Hyoscyamus niger Linn)
- Bish (Aconitum chasmanthum Strapfex Holmes)
- Bhang (Cannabis sativa Linn)
- Charas (Canabis sativa Linn)
- Dhatura seeds (Datura metal Linn)
- Kuchla (Strychnos nuxvomica Linn)
- Shokran (Conium maculatum Linn)
II Drugs of Animal origin
- Sanp (head) (Snake)
- Telni makkhi (Mylabris cichori Linn. Mylabaris pustulata Thund. Mylabris macilenta)
III Drugs of Mineral origin
- Darchikna (Hydrargryi perchloridum)
- Hira (Diamond)
- Ras Kapoor (Hydrargryi Subchloridum (calomel)
- Shingruf (Hydrargryi bisulphuratum)
- Zangar (Cupri subacetas)
- Sammul-Far (Abyaz, Asfar, Aswad and Ahmar) (white, yellow, black and red, Arsenic).
- Tootiya (Copper Sulphate)
- Para (Hydrargyrum)
- Hartal Arsenic trisulphide (yellow)